DiverseCEO Celebrates, Informs Diverse D.C.-Area Executives Rick Khosla saw opportunity where others saw demise. "Some say that print media is dead," said Khosla, publisher of newly-launched DiverseCEO. "Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when you design your publication to be equally accessible online as in print.…

Scholarship Program Rewards Academic Achievement, Community Involvement The Prince William Chamber of Commerce has two questions for area parents: Could your high school senior use $2,500 towards their college education?  And, do you work for a company that belongs to the Chamber?  If so, Chamber Director of Community…

Last Friday, representatives from the Prince William Chamber participated in a joint meeting of the Urban Crescent (localities along the I-95/1-64 corridor from Northern Virginia to Hampton Roads).  Local policymakers, chambers of commerce and members of the Virginia General Assembly gathered to work towards a consensus on possible…

As you are most likely aware, unless Congress acts soon, at midnight on December 31, 2012, a disastrous combination of tax hikes and spending cuts--known as the Fiscal Cliff--will automatically take effect, threatening to plunge our economy back into recession and would equal the largest tax increase in…