Bull Run Regional Library Presents “Your Library for Dummies”. Sure, you think you know your library. Did you know you can download full-color versions of popular magazines from our website? Did you know you can renew your books online? Have you downloaded an e-book yet? Your library is so much more than books! Join library staff members as they present an overview of what is available and work one-on-one to help you access it. Feel free to bring laptops or e-gadgets! This 90-minute program will be offered on Thursday, July 24 at 10:30 a.m.
For further information, visit Bull Run Regional Library, 8051 Ashton Ave., Manassas, VA, or call (703) 792-4500 or 703-792-4524 (TTY) or visit our website at www.pwcgov.org/library.