On Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m., it’s time for Wednesday Wonders at the Chinn Park Regional Library for children ages 2 to 6 with a caregiver. Storyhours include books, music, fingerplays, and more. Storyhours are designed to support the pre-reading skills every child needs to become a good reader.
The themes for November are:
Nov 5 Things that Go
Nov 12 Cats and Dogs
Nov 19 Time for Bed, Sleepyhead
Nov 26 Feast Your Ears on a Good Book
This is a free, drop-in library program. No registration is required.
For more information about this program, visit Chinn Park Regional Library, 13065 Chinn Park Drive, Woodbridge, VA, or call 703-792-4800 or TTY (703-792-4876) or at our website www.pwcgov.org/library.