Toastmasters – Come Visit!
Looking for a place to grow your communication & leadership skills? You’ve found it!
Visit one (or two) of our meetings and see how we can help you:
1st & 3rd Monday of each month (with a few holiday exceptions)
12:00-1:00 PM (but come early to say “Hi” before it starts and plan a few minutes afterwards to get your questions answered)
Currently online with ZOOM (email Peggy to get the link)
Some things you can expect to see:
Start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance
Our Toastmaster of the Day will run the first half of the meeting, practicing their skills at: coordinating the participants before the meeting, handling last minute changes to the agenda, introducing participants with brief & smooth transitions.
2 or 3 Speakers will present a prepared speech (usually 5-7 minutes) on any topics but developed to practiced particular skills as directed by our training materials. Practicing in a safe environment and focusing on particular areas of speaking skills helps ensure identifiable progress.
Our Table Topics Master will propose questions to members (and guests, if you are willing) to be answered intelligently within 1 – 2 minutes. This helps us practice thinking on our feet (impromptu speaking skills) and responding clearly and briefly, staying on topic and being conscious of the other person’s time. Great for networking situations and the “elevator” opportunities.
The meeting will be turned over to the General Evaluator who will introduce the Evaluators (one for each of the Speakers) to give feedback (both supportive and constructive) feedback about the speeches based especially on the skills being practiced.
There are a few other roles and their reports will be called for at the end of the meeting.
The Vice President of Education will remind folks about roles for the next meeting.
Our President will share announcements and invite our guests to identify themselves and share any comments or questions they have about the meeting.
We will officially close the meeting, but some members will stay to talk or set time to follow-up with you about questions.
Please come visit and see if our program is a good fit for you and your schedule to help you grow your communication & leadership skills!
Visit us online at or