Teen Photography Contest
Enter your winter break photos in our annual Bull Run Library Teen Photography Contest! We have moved this annual event to the winter months to give everyone a different perspective. We are excited to see what you all create for us in this new season.
Contest rules will be made available on December 12 and can be picked up at Bull Run and Central Libraries or printed from our website. The contest is for middle and high school students. There will be three categories with a prize for each and a grand prize as well. The photos and the form must be turned in to Bull Run Library by deadline of 4:30 p.m. on January 16.
The prizes will be awarded at the Bull Run Library on February 4th at an ice cream reception. Photos will be displayed at Bull Run Regional Library during the month of February.
For further information, visit Bull Run Regional Library, 8051 Ashton Ave., Manassas, VA, or call (703) 792-4500 or 703-792-4524 (TTY) or at our website www.pwcgov.org/library.