Save Money with Energy Efficiency Programs For Your Business

Guest Post provided by Quality of Life Vision Partner, Virginia Dominion Power
Your business demands your attention, and so does your building. Dominion’s commercial programs are designed to help you save money on your energy bill and improve the efficiency of your facility.
Take advantage of the Commercial Energy Audit Program and receive a customized report specific to your facility showing the potential energy and money savings you could achieve by implementing various energy efficiency improvements identified during the audit.  Qualifying commercial customers are eligible for rebates, up to the full price of the audit, after providing documentation that some or all of the recommended improvements have been made.
Additionally, the Commercial Duct Testing and Sealing Program improves the efficiency of your duct and air distribution systems. The systems eligible for testing include air handlers, air intake, return and supply plenums, and any connecting duct work. Proper sealing of your facility’s duct and air distribution systems can significantly improve airflow, offering many benefits including: reduction in energy use, decreased risk of backdrafting and elimination of hot and cold spots, evening the temperature throughout your facility. Qualifying commercial customers can take advantage of the rebate incentive to help offset the cost of testing and sealing.
No need to stop with your business facility. If you are also a Dominion customer at home, you can earn rebates with the following residential programs:

  • Home Energy Check-Up: Qualifying residential customers receive an easy and low-cost home energy assessment. Customer incentives are given based on measures implemented on the day of the check-up.
  • Residential Duct Testing & Sealing: Provides incentives to qualifying customers to test and seal poorly performing duct and air distribution systems.
  • Heat Pump Tune-Up: Provides qualifying customers with an incentive to tune-up existing heat pumps to achieve maximum operational performance.
  • Heat Pump Upgrade: Provides qualifying customers with rebates for residential heat pump upgrades.

To participate in any of these programs, visit www.dom/contractorsearch to locate a participating contractor.  For additional information on these programs, and other programs offered by Dominion, visit or call 1-888-366-8280.