On May 23, 2013, SAI Engineering employees George Preston and Maria Paslick were proud to award a $1,500 scholarship, through the auspices of SPARK, the Education Foundation of PWCS, to deserving Woodbridge High School student Jacob Lazaro. SAI has been a supporter of SPARK for over 10 years and assisted with the launch of the Project Lead the Way engineering program and the County’s first robotics team in 2000. Mr. Preston, a licensed professional mechanical engineer, is himself a 2001 alumnus of Woodbridge, going on to graduate from Virginia Tech in 2005, and has been working for SAI ever since. Jacob will also be attending Virginia Tech and we wish him the same great success! SAI Engineering would also like to applaud the efforts of former electrical engineer turned educator, Carlos Castro (not to be confused with Chamber member Carlos Castro of Todos fame), for his mentoring of Jacob and many other Woodbridge students. His popularity was clearly evidenced by the applause meter during the Senior Awards ceremony. Also in attendance was retired Woodbridge teacher Mr. Don Maeyer, who played an instrumental role on the award winning 2000 robotics team. And this year history repeated itself, as Woodbridge fielded yet another national award winning team.