Prince William County Bar Association Legal Series: Legal Literacy Essentials
Tuesday, May 13 7:00 p.m.
The PWC Bar Association Legal Series will celebrate Law Day at the Chinn Park Regional Library during their program “Legal Literacy Essentials.” Michelle McQuigg, Clerk of the Circuit Court for PWC will speak about Jury Duty. Amy Tobias, President of the PWC Bar Association, will present information on how to find a lawyer. Information will be presented by the local judiciary on how the PWC Courts work and what they do.
This is a free drop in program for adults and young adults. For more information, visit the Online Calendar of Events on the PWPLS website at, the Chinn Park Regional Library at 13065 Chinn Park Drive, Woodbridge, VA, or call the CPRL Information Desk at 703-792-4800 or TTY (703-792-4876).