Pirates of Penzance & Other Treasures
Ahoy There, Matey! Join In A Pirate Adventure with the New Dominion Choraliers of Prince William County!
The New Dominion Choraliers of Prince William County invite you to embark on a Pirate Adventure as they present selections from Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance”, along with other musical “Treasures”, on Saturday, April 26, at 7:30 PM, and on Sunday, April 27, at 3:30 PM, at Gar-Field Senior High School, 14000 Smoketown Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193. “Pirates of Penzance” is a rollicking comic musical about a man who mistakenly becomes apprenticed to Pirates as a child. It’s full of robust melodies and cutting wit in songs that tell of honor, duty, and love, but which still poke fun at such things as social conventions, the law, and romance. The Choraliers will also present “Other Treasures” from Broadway and Pops, opening their show with the beautiful “Pure Imagination” from the musical Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. And, like diamonds sprinkled through a pirate’s treasure chest, the chorus will present other musical highlights such as the lovely “Riversong” and the beautifully romantic “On a Slow Boat to China”. Dance Etc. School of the Arts, under the artistic direction of Ann Boyle, will again join the Choraliers on stage as its dancers present several original performances. Tickets are available at the box office, and online at www.newdominonchoraliers.org. Adult Tickets are $15; $10 for Seniors (age 55+)/Students (age 14+)/Active-Duty Military/and Veterans; and $5 for children 5 through 13; Children 4 and younger are free. NDC continues to support Trevor’s Treasures, a local charity with the mission of bringing toys to children with cancer. Trevor Blake, who passed away in 2013 at the age of 11 from a rare form of cancer, set a mission for himself–to bring toys to other children who were suffering from cancer. NDC supports that mission by collecting unwrapped toys and donations in the lobby at their concerts. For more information, visit NDC’s website, call 703-590-2147 or 703-498-8906, or check the chorus’s Facebook Fan Page at www.facebook.com/NewDominionChoraliersOfPrinceWilliam. To receive the chorus’ E-Note Newsletter, contact carolingone@gmail.com. NDC keeps information confidential.
Partial funding of the New Dominion Choraliers of Prince William County has been provided by Prince William County, NOVEC, the Virginia Commission for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Meredith Foundation.