On Tuesday, May 28th, the Prince William Veterans Council of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce will host a joint military and veteran issues forum, featuring Cong. Rob Wittman (R-1st CD) and Del. Rich Anderson (R-51st House District). The event will focus on military and veteran issues, to include sequestration and predicted BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure Commission) rounds in 2015 and 2017. The event starts at 4pm at the Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, 13511 Hillendale Drive, Dale City, VA. Attendees are asked to arrive a few minutes before 4pm. All veterans, members of the Active/Guard/Reserve forces, family members, and those interested in military and veteran issues are welcome to attend. Questions may be directed to Angela McConnell, co-chair of the Prince William Veterans Council, at telephone 571-402-2030 or email Qintegrative.Healthcare@gmail.com.