Central Community Library introduces a brand new pre-reading program, Itsy Bitsy Books, for babies 12 to 24 months old and their caregivers. Itsy Bitsy Books is designed to help children develop their pre-reading skills and to introduce caregivers to stories, rhymes, songs and finger plays that they can use at home. Because this program is designed as an interactive lapsit program, we request that older siblings not attend.
Itsy Bitsy Books will be held on the third Tuesday of each month beginning on October 21st at 11:00 a.m. There will be time for the babies and caregivers to talk and to play with toys after the program. Come be a part of this new adventure in pre-reading!
For more information about this program, storytimes, or other library programs, visit Central Community Library, 8601 Mathis Avenue, Manassas, VA, or call 703-792-8360 (voice); 703-361-7572 (TTY) or visit our website at www.pwcgov.org/library.