Facebook for Seniors
Do you want to keep up with your children and grandchildren? Do you want to share your photos without emailing them to everyone you know? Do you want to find friends from college or the military? If you answered yes to these questions, please join us for a free two-part Facebook for Seniors class being offered on Fridays, September 5th and September 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Chinn Park Regional Library.
By the end of the class, participants should be able to create a Facebook page with their own security requirements, invite friends, create topics for comment and upload photos or videos. Participants must bring their own Wi-Fi ready laptop, a valid login (username and password) to their personal email account and photos or videos to add to their site. Please register early; there are only 14 seats available.
For more information about this program, visit Chinn Park Regional Library, 13065 Chinn Park Drive, Woodbridge, VA, or call (703) 792-4800 or TTY (703) 792-4876 or at our website www.pwcgov.org/library.