Central Reads Book Club

Central Library’s Central Reads Book Club will discuss “Tell The Wolves I’m Home” by Carol Rifka Brunt on Wednesday, November 19th, at 1:00 p.m.
Only one person has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus, her uncle, the renowned painter Finn Weiss. June can only be herself in Finn’s company; he is her godfather, confidant, and best friend. So when he dies, far too young, of a mysterious illness, her mother can barely speak about. June’s world is turned upside down.
New members are always welcome. No registration required.
For further information, visit Central Community Library, 8601 Mathis Ave., Manassas, VA, or call (703) 792-8360 or (703) 361-7572 (TTY) or visit our website at www.pwcgov.org/library.