In Partnership with the 2024 Solheim Cup ®

AIM Human Performance congratulates Women's Self Defense graduates

Don’t mess with these women!

AIM Human Performance is proud to congratulate 12 women on successfully completing the Four Week Women’s Self Defense Course hosted this winter! The women, ranging in age from 16 to 65, learned how to escape various wrist grabs, front and back chokes, headlocks, and hair pulling.  They also learned how to escape different scenarios where either a gun or knife is involved.  Instructor, Chris Viggiano, also discussed strategies for helping the women stay safe when in their cars or their homes. After four weeks of hard work practicing the moves repeatedly, each participant was graded on their ability to escape when faced with a surprise attacker (in the form of a fellow participant!).  All the women rose to the challenge and displayed their new self defense skills! Each woman was awarded a certificate of completion which entitles them to attend any future Women’s Self Defense class held at AIM in the future, for free.  AIM Human Performance is honored to have worked with these strong, confident ladies and hopes to see them back to refresh their skills in their next course.
If you are interested in attending the next Women’s Self Defense class, email to learn more.