African-American Book Discussion Group

The African American Book Group will meet on Thursday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m. to discuss “Men Cry in the Dark” by Michael Baisden. “Men Cry in the Dark” is an entertaining and realistic novel about fatherhood, interracial dating, and the fear of love and commitment from a man’s perspective. Michael Baisden has courageously defied the stereotypes to prove once and for all that men love their children, cherish their women, and yes, even cry.
Please join us in Potomac’s Community Room to discuss this book. No registration required.
For further information about this program, visit Potomac Community Library, 2201 Opitz Blvd., Woodbridge, VA, or call (703) 792-8330; TTY (703) 494-8129 or visit us on the web at