2017 Changing Lives Together Golf Classic – June 26

Golf Classic

Enjoy an exciting day of golf  – while making a positive impact in the lives of others!  The Changing Lives Together Golf Classic will be held at the beautiful Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge, Virginia and proceeds will be used for our Outreach Programs.
Registration includes green and cart fees, driving range, continental breakfast, beverage cart during play and Awards Banquet following play. Registration, continental breakfast and driving range begin at 8:00 am on June 26th.
Even if you don’t play golf you can take advantage of our sponsorship opportunities, starting at just $20!  Sponsorships, along with Team and Individual Registration, are available online at harvestlifechangers.com or by phone at 703-490-4040. Sign up today!
The Golf Classic is open to men and women 16 years of age or older. Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
No refunds or exchanges. Rain date to be determined if needed. Participants will be notified.

What is the Changing Lives Together Initiative?

The Changing Lives Together initiative is centered around the desire to empower the lives of people in this nation and around the world. Under the visionary leadership of Bishop Lyle Dukes and Pastor Deborah Dukes, thousands of members and 500 covenant pastors, plus thousands of individual partners around the world, are uniting to effect change and save a hurting world.
The various programs and services within the Changing Lives Together Initiative bring hope to the hurting and help to those in need. We serve our community through a number of local outreach programs including prison ministry, homelessness prevention shelters, domestic abuse shelters, foster care programs, and several annual drives that provide clothing, food, toys, school supplies, coats, blankets and more.

Community and World Missions Outreach

Bishop Lyle Dukes and Pastor Deborah Dukes are well-known and highly regarded community leaders with a global ministry that is in touch with the needs of the local community. The community programs and services supported by Harvest Life Church volunteers are changing lives, reaching the lost and bringing hope throughout Northern Virginia and the Washington, DC metropolitan area in conjunction with our world missions programs.
Whether distributing coats, blankets or school supplies; organizing food supply drives or serving meals in the homeless prevention shelter, our ministry provides help to individuals and families in need. We are also helping to provide healthy and nutritious meals to emergency shelters, substance abuse treatment programs, community and youth centers, senior citizen programs and other social service agencies.
Our World Missions outreach extends around the globe from the United States to the UK, India and Eastern Africa, where the Harvest Life Church has built the Harvest Conference Center in Nakuru, Kenya. This center is empowering the people to help spread the gospel and minister to the needs of people in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and other countries. Weekly worship services are held there and it provides a place for distribution of food, clothing and other necessities during these challenging times.  We are also building a medical facility to provide medical care for hundreds of families in dire need.
Click here for more information about our Changing Lives Together Initiative and to register for the Golf Classic. We also have numerous sponsorship opportunities available!